chain gangs

美 [tʃeɪn ɡæŋz]英 [tʃeɪn ɡæŋz]
  • n.一群被链子拴在一起服劳役的囚犯
  • chain gang的复数
chain gangschain gangs

chain gangs


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指美国旧时)锁在一起服劳役的囚犯
    In the United States, a chain gang is a group of prisoners who are chained together to do work outside their prison. Chain gangs existed especially in former times.

  1. Not surprisingly , although three quarters of the white population of Alabama supports chain gangs , only a small number of black people do .


  2. Six out of every ten prisoners in chains are black , which is why the chain gangs call up images of slavery in centuries gone by , when black people were brought from Africa in leg irons and made to work in plantations owned by white men .
